Monday 29 June 2015

"PERPETUAL WARFARE" 12" Vinyl Release


We are back from our European tour, and we are pleased to announce that the "Perpetual Warfare" 12" Vinyl is now out in Europe/UK/US and Canada. The record is a 5-track EP recorded and mixed by Jesse Gander of Rain City Recording Studio in Vancouver, BC and includes a Bonus Demo track from our upcoming LP "Crimson Dawn" recorded by Jordan Koop of The Noise Floor Recording Studio on Gabriola Island.All copies are on white splatter vinyl, the artwork was done by Laura Lint and the layout/font by Anju Singh. 

You can find the vinyl from local distros, or by ordering online through Scream and Writhe, Neanderthal.Stench & Choking Hazard Records or through us directly by emailing whatismakingussick [at] gmail [dot] com.

The full album is also available for by donation download/streaming on our bandcamp 
Cassette and CD Versions of the release are now SOLD OUT, but a few copies of the cassette are available through Scream and Writhe.